Hi beautiful people!
             This week has been extremely stressful, definitely one of the most stressful week's yet. On Monday my group and I have been planning exactly what the specific theme of our movie opening is going to evolve around. Sara, Daniela, Isabella and I have officially decided to base our opening on a teen runaway's. On Monday we did research that allowed us to fully decide on this idea.  According too http://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/homeless-and-runaway-youth.aspx teen runaway is an extreme matter in the world today, 1 in every 7 people from 10-18 year old are estimated to run away from their homes, as I have discussed in one of my previous posts, our goal is to make our movie opening something that is highly relevant to the struggles and emotions teenagers constantly feeling and going through. We have also decided to have a female leading role, with our, runaway theme, we decided to do that because 75% of teen runaway's are female teenagers also stated in http://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/homeless-and-runaway-youth.aspx. In my research I also became knowledgable of the fact that 67% of runaways, are because of family problems, a main cause being parental pressure.
             Parental pressure is a struggle that an impactful of teenagers feel, I myself can highly identify with this. Parents pressuring kids constantly to succeed, to work harder, to do more, more, more, although often done with pure intensions, can lead to high psychological stress, which can lead to even greater reasons. We have decided for our character to be 17 year olds because at 16 and 17 comes the most pressure in between the ages with the highest of numbers with teen runaways.
            This data and statistics highly links back to the success of our opening, because most successful teen movies are the ones that are easiest to relate too, I know that I have honestly felt the want to escape all the stress, so I have no doubt that a large number of viewers will feel a connection.


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