Hello my beautiful readers!
      Today we filmed, which was very exciting. As I explained in the previous blog we have decided to film part of our movie opening in school and that is exactly what we did in school. I specifically wore the outfit which we had decided last class which was black jeans a blackshirt and black hightop which match the edgy personality of the character (Margo). I have my aice media class Eight period which is the period where we did the filming. My group and I, accompanied by Tomas Quilaqueo and Rafael Sanchez went out to the parking lot of the school to do our filming. We moved onto film the last sense of the movie opening which consist of Liam and Margo getting in the car, buckling up, and saying "Where to Next?" We decided to say this phrase and end it exactly right there because it will create interest and creates a major cliff hanger for the viewers. It also works towards creating interest and appeals to the viewers want to continue watching.
       We encountered certain obstacles as we began our filming. When we started filming in the parking lot we noticed that Daniella's canon camera happened to have extremely low storage which was a limitation working against us and did not allow us to film a large amount of shots. Because of this we had to go back to Ms. Marchetti's classroom and check if in Daniella's camera box she had another memory for her camera because the ones that we were using has less then one gigabyte left. We pleasantly found another memory for her camera that did have more space in it and allowed us to film more shots.
     The next obstacle we found is that a we started filming the scene in the sound. I believe sound is extremely important in any piece of film. We started giving ideas of what we could do to make the sound better so what we decided to do is too have Isabella's phone recording audio and Daniella's camera recording the view. Later on, in the editing we will match up the recordings of audio which the recordings of the film. This will serve towards the clarity of sound and the appealing of the viewers.
      We finally finished shooting this shot and we are proud of our shot, although we encountered multiple obstacles we figured them out one by one and got the job done. I also noticed the importance of team work as well as incorporating the ideas that each team member has, which is something that we proudly accomplished. Daniela, Isabella, Sara, and I all have different opinions and ideas but we have successfully incorporated all of our ideas as one which makes me and I'm sure the rest of us good about the team we are a part of.
Wow guys, filming is definitely not as easy as it seems!


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