HI everyone!
    This week has been so full of work, and planning for this project, I have a lot to converse with you guys. In Ms.Marchetti's aice media class, we went into groups and discussed weaknesses and strengths of each individual project and multiple things that we could do and change to improve the level of success and professionalism of our blogs and the film opening as well. I was partnered up with students Sara Joseph, Felipe Marchan, and Tomas Quilaqueo. We went in a circled and each of us discussed what our opening was going to be about, and we displayed our blogs.
     Tomas Quilaqueo went first and he explained us his short movie which is going to be a boxing film opening, with a plot of a boxer who suffers a head injury and wakes up in a hospital with no recollection of who he is or what has happened. Next, Sara Joseph displayed her different blog posts and we gave her different constructive criticism that she could incoorporate into her blogposts. Felipe Marchan was third and he needed tips on what he should exactly do in his film opening because he was still unclear of a specific idea and plot he should make his opening on.
    Then it was my turn to display my blogs, and explain my opening. I explained my film opening first and got very good feedback, I asked Sara since she fits the criteria of a young female girl, if she thinks she could somehow relate to the opening because that is a main goal for us, she confidently answered Indeed! This was very good to hear because this is our main goal of my opening to be able to have a connection, and reach out to young women.
   I moved onto displaying my blogger website, last week I had decorated my blogger website with a tie die rainbow background ad purely bright colors, It was very vibrant and happy. After presenting my display I got some confusion or dislike in the faces of my peers. They moved onto explain that the presentation of my blogger portfolio did. not click with my opening and I surely do agree with that and believe they are right. I instantly did some witch ups and completely modified it t match more and give a cooler more "chill" type of vibe that will be nt only more appealing to readers, but will also correlate to the theme of my movie opening and tone being expressed.
    This is what my website design currently looks like:


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