Last day of filming pt.3

Hi my dear people!
        In continuation to Margo walking out and banging the door, the next very important part of this film comes along. Right now Margo is wearing her girly outfit and her hair is completely back up. She looks like a happy little girl but little do we know who she actually is yet. Margo walks out her door and stops walking for a second. Here we decided to use a close up scene of Margo putting her hair down and saying the very important phrase "Today is the day" This makes the opening more intriguing and it makes the viewer, what is next? What is to come? What is Margo about to do? today is the day for what?
              We decided to include this phrase for the very purpose of keeping our audile interested and want to continue watching the rest of the film . When Margo says this phrase she also has a look on her face, the look that says I am up to something, the what some would call the "bad girl" look. This shows contrast between the character that she is dressed to be at the moment wearing a white shirt and pretty pink shorts and pink shoes to the person that she is going to come out to truly be.


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