Hey blog!
It's almost Monday, I definitely do not want the week to start, I wish the weekend lasted forever.

        My group and I are in the process of planning what our movie introduction is going to be about, as I recently explained in my blog post about genre, our movie into targets an audience of young adults. Based on my previous  research I have detailed that the most successful teenage drama films are the ones where teenagers can relate their feelings and their lives too as well.
        As a young adult myself I can definitely say that it is definitely good to know that I'm not in it alone, that we all go through are struggles and seeing that yo aren't the only one that feels a certain way or lies a certain experience is a comforting feeling. Because of that idea we have decided that we want to do something teenagers will be able to relate to especially females. In my previous research I became knowledgable of the fact that more then 54 percent of teenage drama viewers are female viewers.
In order to attract a greater audience we are planning on making our introduction relatable to female young adults. As of right now we are thinking of doing our film opening on a young girl that is having thoughts of running away from her house because of various situations going on in her life.  I believe this will be successful based on our target audience research. Although I like this idea very much it is open for discussion and could ver much change.
     Very exited for what is to come, I'll be back soon
                                                                                                                      - Paola Toro


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