
   As a teenager myself, teenage drama is often seen through my eyes. cyber Bullying is an issue that I may want to represent in my project because it is something that is often present in the life's of current teenagers. Each and every single teenager has personal issues and events that shape each and every single one of them to be who they will become. CyberBullying is an event that has an immensely large impact in the life's of teenagers and is something that a large amount f teenagers which is the targeted audience for this genre will understand and relate too. The lives of teenagers are now revolving around a cellphone screen and that is the complete focus now, giving likes has become more important then giving love and friendship to others. Just as giving likes has become important in the lives of teenagers, too many others giving hate and cyberbullying other is equally as important
   "Cyberbully" is a teenage drama film, which represents cyberbullying as a common theme in the lives of teenagers and shows the effects that come along with the act of bullying through technology. "Cyberbully" represents cyberbullying as a rare occasion, and as something that only happens to people that do not "fit in". This film brings to the viewers the idea that cyberbullying is not only rare but is also only towards a certain specific group of people. "Sierra Burgess is a loser" This is another film with the connection of cyberbullying. This film is about an overweight teenager (Sierra) who had a different style then most girls in her grade, she did not fit in, and was considered ugly by many. In this movie Sierra pretends to be someone that she is not and cyberbully's a boy. This movie represents this act to be "okay" and "understandable" because she did not fit in and was overweight. This film represents cyberbullying as being okay depending on circumstance of person.
    Regarding sample #1 "Cyberbully" I disagree with certain representations, although cyberbully is represented to be something horrible which I do certainly agree on, it points fingers to only a certain group being victimized when that is not accurate. This piece also represents cyberbullying as being something rare when that is extremely false and represented wrongfully. According to one out of every five teenagers is experiencing cyberbullying. In sample #2 Sierra Burgess is a loser" it represents the belief that cyberbullying can be excused, as well as lying, and pretending to be someone you are not. Cyberbullying should never be represented to be okay and acceptable under any circumstances. Suicide is rapidly incrementing and cyberbullying is a leading cause of it. In my project, I would definitely retain on the representation that cyberbullying is rare because it happens absolutely every single day to one out of every five teenagers. I think cyberbullying awareness is extremely important and this is an issue that should be correctly represented in every singe aspect, specially regarding how constant it is in the life's of teenagers during this time in life.


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