Horror Genre

1.-Horror Genre

2.-Genre Conventions (Content)
The Horror Genre, contains usually elements relating to death, ghost presences, murder, or the living dead. Horror media is bases on bringing fear and suspense too its given audience, which in horror is from 15-35, because this is an age where thrill is something looked for and enjoyed among these individuals. Horror media is most likely to excite an individual from this age range, then an aged person. Horror films are also very likely to contain paranormal activity, monsters, devils, witches, exorcisms and other subjects that will arouse the audiences fear factor. Blood is another conventional the genre of horror, as well as the surprise factor. Those rapid pops up that cause the audience to jump of their chairs, is common feature of horror films because thats what brings the viewers the adrenaline and thrill, causing them to not only want to keep on watching but too also want to come back after the given film, episode, or experience.

3.-Genre Conventions (Production)
Too many film producers in the genre of horror, the most important production factor in horror is sound. A striking soundtrack will cause the audiences arousal of fear and anxiousness to vitally increase. In horror it is common to use stings throughout film to scare viewer, it is also very common for film to contain a score so that viewer will always assimilate certain song to specific piece of media. Extreme close ups are a production technique that is often used in horror because of the intensity that is portrayed if done correctly. Mis-en-scene is one of the biggest film techniques and most vital in the horror genre because not only is it the location and surroundings it's also the appearance, makeup, and dressing that characters of movie will have. Mis-en-scene is what will cause the horror characters too actually be scary ad actually have a terrific affect on viewers. Using haze, as well as gloomy suspenseful colors are often used as well to create aura of fear. Black, white, and red are often used these are three colors that the combination of them cause and ironic intensity. Using haze, adds texture to the film and that feeling of being underexposed and creates mystery. Rapid cuts,  shaky hand held shots, and trolly shots are often used as well for that feeling of adrenaline, unsteadiness, and being followed.

4.- Film example sample #1 (The conjuring)
The conjuring is an extremely famous horror film, this film is about paranormal investigations, and demonic activity in a families home, a supernatural presence was found and this film is about the effect that this presence had on family and all events that took place with demon. This film boldly embodied the genre of horror, first of all with its content. This is a film about demons haunting a home and torturing the lives of a family, the though of this is horrific to many and is definitely a common theme of horror. A major production factor of the conjuring is it's mis-en-scene, the conjuring's use of makeup on demons and characters is what cause their appearance to be so scary and impactful to it's targeted audience. The conjuring uses multiple trolly shots when following a family member when something suspenseful is about to happen indulging thrill and fear into viewer.  These different features as well as filters, lighting, and sound the way in which they are used in film embodies the genre of horror.

5. Film example sample #2 (Jaws)
Jaws is a classic in the horror genre, this is a film that starts off with a woman being killed by a shark, as the film progresses the shark attacks multiple others. The shark continues to conquer more and more victims and the suspense only increases. This film embodies the horror genre in multiple ways, it uses production techniques as well as horror conventions to bring a horror film to life. First of all, blood: blood is often exhibited  in horror films, in Jaws, blood is vital to the development of this film. The use of blood brings fear and in this movie lets the audience know that something IS about to happen, it brings fear, and adrenaline and contributes to the purpose of causing fear in audience. The use of sound is also a key feature used I this film. Jaws's score and suspense song that starts playing overtime the shark is coming is also another key embolization of the horror genre.

6. Other examples
-"The Nun"

-"A Quiet place"
-"The Cabin in the woods"


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