Genre Database
Genre Database
Target Audiences: The main target audience for teenage drama, is teenagers, and youth, male and female. However teenage drama does have a wider audiences that includes adults because it is a way for adults to reminisce on their teenage years, and allows adults to feel updated with current youth. Although teenage dramas target audience is teenagers, it has been statistically proven that female teenagers watch more teenage drama films and shows then males, therefore most teen drama films are more appealing towards female viewers.
Genre Conventions: Teenage drama film is a genre that relies on the arousal of emotion. Teenage drama aims to tell stories on dramatic themes, teenage struggles, real life issues and this is done so that the audience will feel a connection to film. Teen dramas take place in urban areas and most likely have a stereotype regarding, sex, drugs, breakups, cheating, high school life, bullying, cheerleaders, prom, etc. This genre focuses on hitting issues teenagers live and can relate too.
Production techniques: Teen drama uses production techniques to make film and trailer, unique and interesting. In teen drama, upbeat songs are often used, as well as fun fonts, high saturation,and bright colors, this is used because of the audience meant to be reached. Most teenagers won’t be intrigued by a slow black and white film, but an upbeat colorful film full of cute boys drama, love, breakups, etc might be much more amusing.
Institutional conventions: Genre Theorists Trailers in film believe that Hollywood in order to reach audiences they use similar characteristics. For example in teen drama films, love is often used to reach teenage audiences because it is something teenagers constantly are seeking during teenage years. Trailers are used to incite a viewer to want to go watch a film, just like the film trailers have a specific audience that is being targeted. In teenage drama films, appearances are used to catch a teenagers eye, and this is used as a marketing tool. Putting a cute football player, or a cute cheerleader in a trailer is something that is often done.
Film sample #1: To all the boys I’ve loved before- To all the boys I’ve loved before is a teenage drama film about a teenage girl “Lara Jean” that has been in love with five guys, which she had written love letters to each of them and her younger sister sent out to each of them. This is a dramatic film where an unpopular girl falls in love with a popular jock peter kavinsky and is then her sisters ex boyfriend which was one of the guys that receives a letter ends up having a major problem with her being with him. This sample embodies teen drama because one the audience targeted is teenagers, it’s content involves teenage struggles and typical issues that many teenagers will relate too. Throughout the entire film, upbeat songs and sentimental songs are used, as well as bright colorful aura’s. This film makes any teenage girl want the love lara jean and Peter kavinsky, throughout the entire film typical high school drama is going on that goes around the school that many teenagers will relate too like for example, private pictures being sent out, drama on losing virginity, te drama with the older sister’s ex boyfriend, the fact that the little sister sent out love letters to different guys. The content, audience, genre and institutional conventions make it clear that this film is a teenage drama.
Film sample #2 Sierra Burgess is a Loser- Sierra Burgess is a loser is a teenage drama film, where an overweight “unpopular” band girl catfishes a popular typical cheerleader, and gets a hot football player who is the opposite of a typical jock to fall in love with her through phone, Sierra ends up becoming best friends with the popular girl and together scheme plans and dates for Sierra to be able to be with her dream guy, and during this Sierra helps her out in school and with her college boyfriend. Both girls end up stabbing each other in the back when Sierra sends picture of popular girl naked and popular girl kisses her huge crush and tells him that Sierra was catfishing him the entire time. They end up forgiving each other, becoming best friends again and the boy ends up taking Sierra to prom and forgiving her for what she did. This film clearly falls in the teen drama genre as well as too all the boys I’ve loved before. This film uses vivid colors throughout film, and scenes in the schools, Sierra’s bedroom, and settings that are common o the teenage audience that is being targeted. This film includes family economic issues, insecurity problems, and crush issues. All dramas that are highly common to teenagers now-a-days. The content, production techniques and all involved features makes this film embody teenage drama.
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