Reflection essay

 Reflection essay

We have finally finished with our film opening! My team and I are extremely proud of the results and have learned a whole lot while getting the job done. This film opening gave us knew knowledge on the world of film but not just that! We also learned how to successfully work as a team and at all times incorporate the ideas of all which is extremely important towards the success of any team work activity. My knowledge on film, camera's, sound, and acting have growth and I much more now know how impactful every little component is to any film opening. Copycat a teenage drama film done by Isabella, Daniella, Sara and I has been an adventure and a fulfilling learning experience.               
Our  product uses and challenges conventions in multiple different ways, and it definitely represents social groups in issues. Specially for targeting our teenage highschoolers. Parental pressure is a struggle that an impactful of teenagers feel, I myself can highly identify with this. Parents pressuring kids constantly to succeed, to work harder, to do more, more, more, although often done with pure intensions, can lead to high psychological stress, which can lead to even greater reasons. We have decided for our character to be 17 year olds because at 16 and 17 comes the most pressure in between the ages with the highest of numbers with teen runaways. This data and statistics highly links back to the success of our opening, because most successful teen movies are the ones that are easiest to relate too, I know that I have honestly felt the want to escape all the stress, so I have no doubt that a large number of viewers will feel a connection. Anyone struggling with the want to just drop everything a runaway will relate to this, people who are tired of hiding who they are and being someone that they are not will be able to grow a connection with our lead character Margo which is extremely important.             
            A convention which we decided to challenge are stereotypes, stereotypes are such a common matter in the lives of teenagers nowadays and we have decided to challenge this convention. Usually one would expect a "pretty" girl to be perfectly happy with her life in absolutely every way, to be completely loved by her parents and accepted in every way. In copycat we challenge that convention. The pretty girl is not happy, she isn't accepted by her parents and doesn't really dress like the typical happy teenage but instead dresses in all black. We decided to challenge this convention because we believe it is e extremely important for everyone to see that everyone has their own flaws and that no one is "perfect" and that even the "pretty " girl" is not as perfect as she seems to be. We did this by the way Margo dressed, look, and acted, and by showing the pain she was feeling by the rejection of her parents. This targeted the social group of the insecure, the ones that feel unloved by their parents and unwelcome for who they are. Runaways and teenage insecureness is a major issue specially nowadays.
             Our product engages with the audience by demonstrating something that all teenagers or at least the ones that I know have felt this at some point in their lives. By displaying something that our target audience can relate to and understand this will increase our viewing rates as well as our success.An idea that I came up with for distributing the opening among the media is partnering with different high schools and maybe some middle schools where we could have screenings of the film opening which will entice readers to want to watch the opening itself. In those screenings the date when the whole opening is being distributed will be displayed and announced multiple times. Another way in which the opening and the film could be distributed is by paying for film to be displayed on sites like Netflix and Hulu which is what teenagers mainly use for watching movies or shows. In order to be able to pay for this we would need to find interested sponsors to give us funding for the distribution of the film opening and film. Another way in which we could engage with audience is by giving talks in high school, given by "Margo" and "Liam" by seeing the personality and the reality of these characters it will no only give a sense of insight to the roles to the viewers and could also be inspirational and motivational for viewers. We all need to feel hear, and not alone this will absolutely help with that little grain of love which all teenagers need.   
               I definitely belief my production skills have widely developed throughout this project. I played Margo the lead character, my acting skills have developed as well as one of the most important skills in life. Teamwork. Teamwork is an extreme skill specially in the world of production, A production is the work of multiple people working together. One films, some act, some edit, others are in charge of sound, some do distribution, one is the director. In professional film dozens and dozens of people have to work together for the success of a film. Although I was only working in a team of four, my skills have matured and I have learned even more the importance of letting others be heard and being heard. Another skill which I have developed by the production of this film is my camera skills, at times I was the one behind the camera and truly noticed the importance of different factors like focus, brightness, contrast, and stability I have also learned to appreciate the working done by the filter and how precise and vital his or her work is for any film production.
           Without technology this project could not have been done, especial for editing. The main software which we used was adobe premiere pro which is what we used for the editing of our opening. Adobe premier pro is a software that specifically focuses on editing films, video, or even songs. This is a highly advanced tool that was not very easy to use, but we got lucky. Thankfully we had a friend that has used this site multiple times and had the ability to help us use this software. Editing was definitely not easy and took a lot of going back and fixing accidental mistakes. Without this tool or another technology editing software we wouldn't have been able to edit our film together. We actually did not have to use a royalty free music and sound software because we had a friend sing a song for us and that was our background music.
            We are now coming to an end and it is now time for me to say goodbye, this opening was a wonderful learning and development experience. We overcame multiple obstacles but the job has been fully completed. I enjoyed doing this project and can see myself filming an opening in the future for fun! At first I did not think I was gonna love doing this, but I was pleasantly surprised. I also got the opportunity of working with four new wonderful people and was delighted by th epee who they are. Goodbye blog! Thank you for this opportunity.


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