Genre Database
Genre Database Target Audiences: The main target audience for teenage drama, is teenagers, and youth, male and female. However teenage drama does have a wider audiences that includes adults because it is a way for adults to reminisce on their teenage years, and allows adults to feel updated with current youth. Although teenage dramas target audience is teenagers, it has been statistically proven that female teenagers watch more teenage drama films and shows then males, therefore most teen drama films are more appealing towards female viewers. Genre Conventions: Teenage drama film is a genre that relies on the arousal of emotion. Teenage drama aims to tell stories on dramatic themes, teenage struggles, real life issues and this is done so that the audience will feel a connection to film. Teen dramas take place in urban areas and most likely have a stereotype regarding, sex, drugs, breakups, cheating, high school life, bullying, cheerleaders, prom, etc. This genre focuses on hitting...